BalkanWise: The political risk consultancy start-up established in Kopaonik
A group of 13 academics, policy analysts and political thinkers from WB6 joined forces to establish a hub that will both spearhead new ideas for regional cooperation and provide tailor-made services to governments, corporations and multinational organizations.
The group was gathered in Kopaonik in August 2022 by Centre for Social Dialogue and Regional Initiatives to define common value-base and outline the products BalkanWise will be bringing forward to inspire and support a change in the region.
Three-day kick-off workshop also included sessions with top UK-based political risk analysts and regional experts. The group has since grown and now counts 13 of contributors from WB6.
Keep a look out for our EarlyBird newsletter, a summary of possible opportunities or red flags, Fen(j)er will shed a light on what did not catch the public’s eye, and our signature top risks assessment for the WB6.